“My [neck, back, hip] is out! Can you put it back in?”
The latest literature about the causes of facet and sacroiliac joint pain is fascinating given what we believed was going on for the...
Value-Based Spine Care
Primary Spine Care provided by Primary Spine Practitioners (PSP) is part of a movement in our healthcare system to provide high quality...
Chronic Neck Pain for 20 Years
Monday morning of this week I had the pleasure of evaluating and treating a gentleman who had been suffering from a sudden flare-up of...
An Introduction to Primary Spine Care
Do you know how much money is spent every single year for spine care (primarily back and neck pain)? In 2008, the Bone and Joint Decade...
The Value of Primary Spine Care
So, what is the value in seeking care from a Primary Spine Practitioner? I’m going to bullet out my points from here. PSPs can: Recognize...